Vehicle Development Kit

We provide the automotive platform, you focus on the originality and added value of your concept :
Robotized controls
Control logic
Motorized equipment and accessories
Customized designs
Dedicated services

A unique track record

In wheel motor R85 certification
2 and 4-wheel drive, validated in real-life use
Over 100,000 miles covered

R100-2 and UN38.3 certification
Unique technology

Industrial strategy
Made in Asia, Europe and soon 100% in the USA, from 2025 onwards.
Final vehicle assembly can take place on the platform's dedicated line or at the manufacturer's plant manufacturer.
Cost of production compatible with scale of production.
Local incentives (IRA).

Technology solutions for digital vehicles
VDK is building hardware and software solutions enabling the future of automotive embedded electronics, free from today's constraints :
Full IP / Ethernet architecture
Update or add modules seamlessly
Open and standardized interfaces
Reduced number of modules